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Monday, May 13, 2013

Blog Every Day in May Weekend Catch-up!

Since I make it a point to disconnect and stay away from the computer over the weekend I'm going to have to play catch up with Jenni from the blog Story of My Life's "Blog Everyday in May Challenge.
Days 11 and 12 are:

Day 11, Saturday: Sell yourself in 10 words or less

Day 12, Sunday: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)

Day 11, Saturday:

Here's me selling myself in 10 words with a freebie for you:

Day 12, Sunday:

I miss my best friend Dustin.

The most recent picture I have of Dustin.

     A lot of people give their friends the title "Best Friend" in their life, but I don't like to use the term so loosely. Dustin truly was the best friend I've ever had. I met Dustin when I was a freshman in highschool and he was a sophomore. We were on the same lunch period. It wasn't really until I was a sophomore that we became really close. I got him to join the drama club, and our friendshitp really bloomed from there. I actually had a crush on him for a little while but nothing ever happened, especially since he came out to me shortly after joining drama club. He was more like my big brother from that point on, he looked out for me and was really someone who I could talk to. We were always on the same page; we liked the same music, were both goofballs, we both had a passion for art, and we both had big dreams. Dustin's dreams were quite a bit bigger than mine he always wanted to be famous.

Dustin was close with my whole family he loved my mom, and my sister and me. We were always over each other's houses. Dustin would walk all the way across our two towns to swim in my pool or just hang out. Loyalty was never an issue with Dustin; our secrets were secrets, and he would never hesistate if you needed anything at all. After highschool we drifted apart which was inevitable. I went to college and he moved away for a little while, but we always kept in touch. Dustin was always on AOL instant messanger, he always called on special occasions. The last time I saw Dustin, me and him pre-ordered our copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The last time I spoke with him was on my 21st Birthday, April 28th 2008. 

Dustin was killed along with his younger brother and his nephew's father on July 17th 2008 by his sister's ex-boyfriend. It was one of, if not the worst, days of my life. I've never lost anyone close to me before and a person so profound like Dustin was insanely devastating. His parents were kind enough to give me some of his ashes, I had an flask engraved to house him. He would have loved a flask over a traditional urn anyday. I miss him everyday, the pain never really goes away but everyday life has a way of drowning it out an making it easier. I really feel him around sometimes, my mom and my sister swear they do too. If guardian angels exist I really feel like Dustin would be mine.There is a lot more I could write about him this post probably doesn't do him justice but it's been a little hard to write. 

In Loving Memory of Dustin E. Hintz

Dustin loved animals this is him with my first dog Shady.

This was the last time Dustin was ever over my house.

Photos by Me and poster by Me

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