Reading List

Friday, May 24, 2013

3 Worst Traits

Today's topic from Jenni, from the blog Story of My Life's 

Day 24, Friday: Your top 3 worst traits

My Top Three Worst Traits

1. Over-thinking. 

I'm pretty sure every female does this but I'm pretty bad with it, I get bad anxiety. I am however good at not letting anyone know I'm doing it. Kim Dale inside my brain however, is a nut bag.

2. I get easily Distracted.

I've never been tested for ADD or ADHD, but there is a strong possibility that I have one of them.  I burst out and interrupt people when a random thoughts come to me. I have caught myself zoning out many times. God help any project that I have to do on a computer connected to the internet. Memes derail me.  I know it's just the nature of the internet, but sometimes I get sucked in and sometimes I do what I'm supposed to with fierce passion, it's like my focus is playing Russian roulette everyday. This social media world we live in has screwed my ability to concentrate. We stare at too many overstimulating screens all day.


In a few of aspects of my life I'm adventurous. I am not afraid of heights or flying, I like thrill rides, I try new unique foods, I even like a good dare, but I find it really hard to leave my comfort zones. I have never lived more than an hour away from my family or hometown and I don't have much of a desire to. I could use a better job but leaving the area and fear of not being able to afford my current life style keeps me here. I should go back to school but the debt I already have from my current degree scares me away from that too. I usually like to wait and let big changes force themselves onto me. Sometimes it's a good I think, I'm usually just being cautious, but sometimes I get really envious of those around me who are living fearlessly, making what they want happen without being afraid to fail.  

Poster By Me via Instagram @koolaidkd09

High Five For Friday

Finally, its Friday again!!! Sorry for missing last week, I dropped the ball.  But now here's my weekly link up with Lauren Elizabeth's High Five For Friday.

1. My addiction to FroYo (frozen yogurt) is getting bad,
 especially with a new Yogurtland right by my job.
2. Beautiful Creatures came out Tuesday on DVD. I didn't really like it compared to the book, 
but I want to watch it again and give it another chance. 
3. I am really enjoying the hot summer weather and how pretty nature looks in it. 
4. I am a cat lady with no cats. I make due with the Add-A-Cat app on my phone. 
5. Can't wait for this 4 day weekend, I'm powering through my shortened holiday Friday with tea and some tunes. 

 photo H54Fbutton-triangle_zps678b65ba.jpg

Photos by: me

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Life Lesson

Today's topic from Jenni, from the blog Story of My Life's 

Day 23, Thursday: Things you've learned that school won't teach you

The Fray said it best in their song "All At Once":

"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same"

You have to do what's right even if it's the hardest thing to do. 
You'll feel better about it even if everybody criticizes you for it. 
In life you get criticism no matter what you do.

Poster By Me

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Some Things That I Love To Blog About

For Today's topic from Jenni, from the blog Story of My Life's 
"Blog Everyday in May Challenge, I have another list for you. The topic is:

Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives

I don't have a huge archive of posts yet so I'm just gonna post about what I like to blog about.

● D.I.Y.'s
● Lists
● My Life
● My Instagram
● Cool Products
● Books
● Art

There is probably more but I only felt like doing a short post today. 
Have a nice rest of your Tuesday! It's nice and HOT up here in Northeastern PA.

Photos By Me via Instagram @koolaidkd09

Monday, May 20, 2013

Blog Every Day in May Weekend Catch-up!

I totally slacked off last week and decided not to do Friday's topic so this is gonna be long. I'm going to have to play catch up some more with Jenni from the blog Story of My Life's 
"Blog Everyday in May Challenge. Days 17, 18, 19, and 20 are:

Day 17, Friday: A favorite photo of yourself and why

Day 18, Saturday: Tell a story from your childhood. 
Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.

Day 19, Sunday: Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

Day 20, Monday: Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now.

A Favorite photo of Me

This photo is my favorite of me it's from about 3 years ago. It was around the time I started wearing my hair short, and I got some blond underneath and I loved it. I think I look very rock star here.

A Childhood Story

Me in first grade.

     A pretty scary story I have from my childhood happened the summer before first grade. My family have always been campers, it was my parent's vacation of choice all the time. I didn't even see the ocean until I was eighteen because we camped instead of going anywhere else. The last day of our trip my mom, little sister and I, went to one of the little wooden playgrounds at the campground. It had rained the night before and there were wet leaves over most of the playground. While climbing up this wooden jungle gym I slipped on a wet leaf and landed face first on a rock. I remember my mom and my little sister freaking out as we ran back to the campsite. My mouth was bleeding pretty bad and when my dad checked me he found out I chipped a little triangle out of the center my two front teeth. We packed up our camp super quick, I remember riding with my dad in my grandfather's truck home. I was pretty upset and it was a long quiet ride. When we got home my mom cleaned me up and got me an emergency dentist appointment. Up until that point I had never had a cavity, this was my first time getting a novocaine shot in the mouth and it was pretty terrifying. They fixed me up and once I got home I was relieved until my brother told me my teeth were fake. I got upset again but my parents assured me my teeth were sill real. We didn't go camping for a few years right after this, but I still love to camp, playgrounds and heights just scared the hell out of my for a little while.   

Top Five Favorite Blogs

I have a big list of blogs I follow but my top 5 are:

I just Started reading Jenni's blog and I adore it. All of her photography is beautiful, so is her writing and her love story and her life. I'm very grateful for this blogging challenge she started, it's lighting the fire under my butt that I needed to dive into blogging more. 

I stumbled upon Lauren's blog from her sister Kate's blog "The small things blog" which I also follow. Kate is the "Pinterest Hair girl". Lauren though has a wonderful sense of humor, style and addiction to cats that brightens my day. I want like, ALL, of her clothes and her High Five for Friday Link up is the bomb.

I haven't been following Bridget's blog for a very long time either but I Love it. She is so gorgeous, and such a wonderful mother and writer. Her love story and family story is so powerful. I admire her courage and love of others.  Her style is also amazing.

This is Jess and she is awesome. She makes great art, has a ridiculous sense of humor that I relate to, has a lovely little family complete with rock star handsome toddler son. I really like her funny stories and beautiful photography. Her DIYs are very hip as is she. 

My Number one favorite blog, Joanna got me hooked on the blog world with her blog A Cup of Jo. Joanna has fabulous taste and is one of my favorite writers. I stumbled upon her articles on Glamour a while ago. There are lot of writers and articles on there but I was quickly drawn to Joanna's writing style, and choice of topics. After becoming pregnant with her son Toby she stopped writing for glamour , that's when I started going to her blog. I could see myself aspiring to be a writer and blogger just like her.  She is also a great mom, it's been very fun to follow her, and watch her family grow. 

I love all these beautiful intelligent lady bloggers.  I feel like I know them, I'm very grateful to them for sharing their stories and lives and introducing others to new things everyday. Blogging has some truly wonderful benefits.

A Struggle

     Something I've been struggling with since college is keeping up with my art. I got my BA in visual arts in 2009 and it's been really difficult staying motivated to do creative things. I tell myself that this blog and Instagram are good outlets but I miss fine art. I've used the excuse of no space a lot, I have a point there, though, I love to keep my work up so I can just attack it whenever I want, and I still live at home.  With my baby niece in the house limits my mediums because some artists processes have some wiced fumes. I do lots of graphic design work at my job and on the side though I don't feel it's quite the same. Hopefully I'll find a way to balance my life better and make more room for fine art soon.

Enjoy the rest of your Monday!

First two and last picture are by Me. The bloggers's pictures are from each of their blogs linked above.

Weekend Wrap-up

This weekend was another laid back one for me. My boyfriend's b-day is this upcoming Wed. but with next weekend being the holiday and Wed. being a work night, we celebrated this weekend. I really didn't take any pictures this weekend. It sucks and is awesome at the same time. Sometimes constantly taking pictures seems like a chore, I just enjoyed myself instead.

Jason's Ice cream cake.
 Happy Birthday Handsome

Photos by Jason Potter, instagrammed by me via Instagram @koolaidkd09

Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Day in Photos & Being comfortable

For days 15 and 16 of Jenni from the blog Story of My Life's "Blog Everyday in May Challenge I've got some pictures and some words for you. The blog assignments are: 

Day 15, Wednesday: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day - this could be "a photo an hour" if you'd like)

Day 16, Thursday: Something difficult about your "lot in life" and how you're working to overcome it

My Day in Photos

Time to get up.

Fuel for the Day

Tools for doing work

 Hoping for millions with my co-workers


3:00pm is for outdoor coffee breaks

The commute home

Pool League with my man

Good night

My lot in Life

     I get scared to say this out loud I probably shouldn't even type it so I don't jinx myself but, things are going pretty good right now. The only thing that is a constant pain in the buns in my life is money. I'd love to have enough to be comfortable, I'd also love the same for all my friends and family, hell it'd be great if the whole world had enough. I've been trying really hard for a year to get a handle on my finances. I want to be able to get married, have a house someday, and possibly a kid or two. 
I'm trying hard to straighten everything out and 
be smart now for the future.  

Picture by Me via Instagram @koolaidkd09

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ten Things That Make Me Really Happy

For day 14 of Jenni from the blog Story of My Life's "Blog Everyday in May Challenge I've got a list for you. The blog assignment is: 

Day 14, Tuesday: Ten things that make you really happy

Making Art
Family & Friends 
Online Memes (Hi my name is Kim and I'm addicted to LOL Cats)
Being in Love
Iced Coffee
Good Music
Sunny Days

Picture by Me via Instagram @koolaidkd09

Monday, May 13, 2013

I'm Sorry...

For day 12 of Jenni from the blog Story of My Life's "Blog Everyday in May Challenge I've got a apology to make. The blog assignment is: 

Day 13, Monday: Issue a public apology. This can be as funny or as serious or as creative as you want it to be.

I'm Issuing a public apology to Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Miley Cyrus & Amanda Bynes

"I am sorry ladies for only taking an interest in you after you go crazy. You know what they say about train wrecks and not being able to look away."

Sincerly, Kim Dale

Blog Every Day in May Weekend Catch-up!

Since I make it a point to disconnect and stay away from the computer over the weekend I'm going to have to play catch up with Jenni from the blog Story of My Life's "Blog Everyday in May Challenge.
Days 11 and 12 are:

Day 11, Saturday: Sell yourself in 10 words or less

Day 12, Sunday: What do you miss? (a person, a thing, a place, a time of your life...)

Day 11, Saturday:

Here's me selling myself in 10 words with a freebie for you:

Day 12, Sunday:

I miss my best friend Dustin.

The most recent picture I have of Dustin.

     A lot of people give their friends the title "Best Friend" in their life, but I don't like to use the term so loosely. Dustin truly was the best friend I've ever had. I met Dustin when I was a freshman in highschool and he was a sophomore. We were on the same lunch period. It wasn't really until I was a sophomore that we became really close. I got him to join the drama club, and our friendshitp really bloomed from there. I actually had a crush on him for a little while but nothing ever happened, especially since he came out to me shortly after joining drama club. He was more like my big brother from that point on, he looked out for me and was really someone who I could talk to. We were always on the same page; we liked the same music, were both goofballs, we both had a passion for art, and we both had big dreams. Dustin's dreams were quite a bit bigger than mine he always wanted to be famous.

Dustin was close with my whole family he loved my mom, and my sister and me. We were always over each other's houses. Dustin would walk all the way across our two towns to swim in my pool or just hang out. Loyalty was never an issue with Dustin; our secrets were secrets, and he would never hesistate if you needed anything at all. After highschool we drifted apart which was inevitable. I went to college and he moved away for a little while, but we always kept in touch. Dustin was always on AOL instant messanger, he always called on special occasions. The last time I saw Dustin, me and him pre-ordered our copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The last time I spoke with him was on my 21st Birthday, April 28th 2008. 

Dustin was killed along with his younger brother and his nephew's father on July 17th 2008 by his sister's ex-boyfriend. It was one of, if not the worst, days of my life. I've never lost anyone close to me before and a person so profound like Dustin was insanely devastating. His parents were kind enough to give me some of his ashes, I had an flask engraved to house him. He would have loved a flask over a traditional urn anyday. I miss him everyday, the pain never really goes away but everyday life has a way of drowning it out an making it easier. I really feel him around sometimes, my mom and my sister swear they do too. If guardian angels exist I really feel like Dustin would be mine.There is a lot more I could write about him this post probably doesn't do him justice but it's been a little hard to write. 

In Loving Memory of Dustin E. Hintz

Dustin loved animals this is him with my first dog Shady.

This was the last time Dustin was ever over my house.

Photos by Me and poster by Me

Weekend Wrap-up

It was another relaxing weekend for me, they are my favorite kinds of weekends.

Saturday I went to see the Great Gatsby with some friends from College and Jason. I loved it!!! Leo Dicaprio is soo fantastic, a great choice to play Gatsby. 
We went to the other newer theater in town, and I have to say I was unimpressed. 
I'm a creature of habit, I perfer my Cinemark to the Regal Great Escape. 

Sunday was mother's day here is a throwback picture of me and my mom.
 I was around three years old here, eating some cheese with a stuffed animal ha ha! 
Gotta love all that late 80's Fashion going on in this picture. 

I also went on a lunch date with Jason to good old Olive Garden. 
That place never gets old, you've got to love their Fettucine Alfredo. 

I hope everyone else had a Fantastic Weekend!

Photos by Me via Instagram @koolaidkd09

Friday, May 10, 2013

T.G.I.F. in Cats

A friend of mine sent me to this site where you can generate cat words. Fantastic!
Have a good weekend everyone!

Image made from:

Most Embarrassing Moment

For day ten of Jenni from the blog Story of My Life's "Blog Everyday in May Challenge I've got a story. The blog assignment is: 

Day 10, Friday: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill.

This is me in college on the suspension bridge on campus.

     My most embarrassing moment happened during my college orientation weekend. Keystone College does a weekend camping trip for the incoming freshman class. It is usually on the weekend before the start of the fall semester. My freshman group went to Camp Chen-A-Wanda in Thompson, PA. Back then I was a really shy young woman and kind of a follower. I connected via myspace with a few of my fellow freshman before the trip and kind of shadowed them around when the groups weren't doing any activities. On the second afternoon a group of us were hanging out by a swing set at the camp.  I decided to sit on one of the swings and well one of it's chains snapped. I fell on my ass right in front of everyone, not to mention the handful of freshman who were probably gonna be pretty popular by the time we got back to campus.  Everyone laughed at me bad, I tried to not make it look like a big deal and laugh it off myself, but I was pretty mortified. I went back to my cabin and called my mom and cried like a baby.  It was probably the worst first impression I've ever given. The incident was talked about for about a week after but everyone eventually forgot and I did get quite a few friends out of the camping trip. I have a lot more self esteem and confidence then I did back then so if something like that were to happen to me today I really don't think I would get that upset about it, but at the time is was pretty devastating. The picture above doesn't have much to do with this post other than it's college Kim, and I'm a very different person now. 

Photo by: Me  

High Five For Friday

Finally, its Friday again!!! Here's my weekly link up with Lauren Elizabeth's High Five For Friday.
1. My pool is opened! It was a smidge green, but it's looking better everyday!
2. I've been gearing up for The Great Gatsby Movie. I bought the soundtrack Tuesday, I love it!
3. Nothing screams "summer is coming" like grill food! 
4. *Too Much Information Warning!* I've been wicked hormonal and hungry for chocolate all week. 
5. Using my new travel cup today. It has a poem on it about the "Art of Doing Nothing" perfect for Friday don't you think?. 

 photo H54Fbutton-triangle_zps678b65ba.jpg

Photos by: me

A Moment From My Day

I have to play catch up today. For day nine of Jenni from the blog Story of My Life's "Blog Everyday in May Challenge I'm going to share a picture. The blog assignment is: 

Day 9, Thursday: A moment in your day (this can be just a photo or both a photo and words)

Yesterday I went shopping on my lunch break. 
Retail therapy is the cure for week day, work day, woes.

Photo by: Me via Instagram @koolaidkd09

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Live For Yourself

Day eight of Jenni from the blog Story of My Life's "Blog Everyday in May Challenge I've made a freebie for you! The blog assignment is: 

Day 8, Wednesday: A piece of advice you have for others. Anything at all.

I've really been trying to embrace this advice for sometime now. I feel like we go through life really focusing on other people; their opinions, their expectations, their guilt.Your life is your life, and as far as I know you only get one, live it how you want to live it. Do what makes you happy. Don't worry about what other people think, don't let other people control you, don't let other people guilt you into things. If you're not happy change something until you are. You cannot control how other people think or feel or act, but you are in charge of you.

*I'm not saying screw absolutely everyone there are important people you need to pay attention to but not everyone. Also, if what you love to do breaks the law or something that's a little different. I was hoping those are common sense but I figured a disclaimer wouldn't hurt.

Photo by: Me via Instagram @koolaidkd09

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What I'm Most Afraid Of

Day seven of Jenni from the blog Story of My Life's "Blog Everyday in May Challenge I'm going to do another list. The blog assignment is: 

Day 7, Tuesday: The thing(s) you're most afraid of

● Zombies (I love them too)
● Becoming a Spinster ( spelled becoming wrong on my list oops)
● Bees & Spiders
● Never Being Financially Comfortable
● Global Warming
● Weapons
● Failure
● Rejection

Photo by: Me via Instagram @koolaidkd09