Hey there! Well I had a very fun evening. My good friend Megan and I had a grand old time hanging out. We ordered pizza, made pomegranate green tea, listened to 90's music (we were blasting some Celine Dion) and we made books! Megan has been diligently make books for an art exhibit benefiting the family of a close friend that passed away; I on the other hand just made a journal for fun (pictured above). It was really nice to catch up goof around with her it was also a plus to have someone to bounce book ideas off of. I have a whole slue of paper that I marbled in college; I used one piece for the front and back covers. I also had these gorgeous green ecological cards that I used for the pages of the book. They look great and since they were pre-folded and the perfect size, they cut the time it usually takes me to make a book in half. I really like exposed bindings so I used a coptic stitch to bind my journal. The overall product is a little wild compared to my usual artistic tendencies, but I'm in love with it. What do you think?
Photo By: Kim Dale
I love the idea! I think that you should come by more and make more and more books, and then we can get into making other things besides books, or combining ideas and going crazy with all of the possibilities! We didn't go to school for this for nothing, let's put it all into play!