I decided to enter our Christmas Card into ThePaperMama's Photo challenge!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
2012 Holiday Photo Challenge
I decided to enter our Christmas Card into ThePaperMama's Photo challenge!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Just a lil Something I Whipped Up...
Friday, March 30, 2012
Great Quote About Blogging
– Trent Walton
Via Cup of Jo
Friday, March 23, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
What's in My Bag!
- Orbit white bubble mint. Gotta love the "Fresh, Clean Feeling" when brushing isn't possible.
- Walmart glasses cleaner, for annoying smudges.
- Physicians Formula foundation powder, love it! (I'm allergic to most cover up stuff)
- Bath and body works "vampire blood" antibacterial hand gel, and Anti-stress lotion. I am a closet vampire nut, my sister bought me a couple of tubes of the hand gel for me around Halloween I'm on tube 3! The anti stress lotion is pretty self explanatory.
- Lady Speed Stick for freshening up in a pinch.
- Bath and Body Works Paris body spray also for freshening up!
- My Goody Comb and Conair anti-static Brush. NEVER leave home without a brush I'm very crazy about my hair.
- My makeup! Eye shadows and Liners mostly, there is chapstick in that bag somewheres too!
- I have three Vera Bradley baggys in my purse. My green print change purse, my "Purple Punch" electronics bag (headphones, Ipod and misc. cords), and my "Floral Nightingale" wristlet/wallet. That last one is amazing it's even got a compartment for my bulky Blackberry.
- Keys: I have a big ring of Keys for emergencies: Gram's house, basement, yadda yadda. My regular Keys on a little Vera Bradley Lanyard : Car, Front, and screen doors.
- My magnetic pass card for work. My dad got me the snazzy blue clip, elastic, yo yo thingy.
- My Moleskine tablet
- Pens: Dr. Grip, and two snazzy pens from my stay at the Ritz Carlton in the Grand Cayman Islands.
- My striped baggy for embarrassing girl products. I won that at my sister's baby shower.
- My little pink unicorn nail clipper. I picked that baby up at a gas station when I was in desperate need of clippers!
- My little 50's looking pocket sewing kit. I really dig the mini scissors inside.
- My cell phone charger. Dang cell phones die at the strangest times.
- Hand crocheted drink cozy made by my sister. That's for all those stops at Starbucks.
- Lastly my trusty point and shoot Kodak Easyshare digital camera and lime green Logitech case.
Monday, March 5, 2012
11 Things.

2. If you already have a kid(s)- do you want more? If you don't- do you want to have kids? I want bebes badly.
3. Do you feel your age? No I don't think I will ever feel older than 18.
4. What's the meanest thing you ever did as a kid? I threw a pine tree branch at a boy I liked in 3rd grade. It scratched his eye and he had to wear an eye patch. I lied about it and didn't get in trouble. :/

Friday, February 24, 2012
Products I love!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012
My Ever Growing Reading List...

It's a little early in the year to post my reading list, I usually post it at the beginning of summer. It's not even spring yet but, it's a wacky winter with high temperatures and minimal snow, so I've gotten my spring reading fever early. Also, I read all year round, so I'm gonna drop more updates more often. This is one list I really love adding to and crossing things off of.
Up to Date List:
Water For Elephants
The Time Traveler’s Wife (Reading)
Are You There Vodka its Me Chelsea (I have a girl crush on Chelsea Handler)
Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang
Wicked (Purchased)
The Son of the Witch (Purchased)
Eat Pray Love
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Purchased)
The Life of Pi
The Secret History
The Virgin Suicides
The Book Thief
Fall on Your Knees
The Little Friend
The Glass Castle
She’s Come Undone
Like Water For Chocolate
World War Z
The Zoo Keeper’s Wife
The Lace Reader
Something Borrowed
Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter
In Zanesville
The Hunger Games
Catching Fire (Book 2 in the Hunger Games series)
Mockingjay (Book 3 in the Hunger Games series)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
I've was a little distracted the last year or so and didn't make as much of a chunk from this as I would have liked, hopefully I'll remedy that soon. There are still oodles of books out there I don't know about that are waiting for me to read them so, If anyone has any suggestions please share. I love book recommendations. P.S. Don't you love those bookcovers pictured above? They are actually a book set from the Juniper Books they make custum book collections. The I Heart Books set contains:
Persuasion by Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
How Perfect being it's Feb. and V-day is a few days away! Enjoy!
Photo from: juniperbooks.com
Handwritting Meme

DIY Tuesday: New Uses for Old Tees.

Friday, February 3, 2012
The Color Issue: ONA BAG GIVEAWAY (woohoo!)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Hurray for babies!