I got this from Pamplemousse1983
Here are the rules:

1. Post these rules
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them that you've tagged them.

1. I'm addicted to vampire and zombie stuff, most importantly Twilight and The Walking Dead.
2. I have marriage and baby fever lately.
3. I curse more than a classy lady like myself should.
4. I spoil my dog and niece rotten.
5. If it came to it I would be content to be single with a gazillion dogs.
6. I want an english bulldog.
7. I'm jealous of all you iphone- instagrammers, I have a blackberry (for now)
8. I loved my short hair to death, but now I have rapunzel envy. I'm growing my lock out hardcore.
9. Good Charlotte will always be my favorite band.
10. I'm addicted to country music right now (listening to Taylor Swift RIGHT NOW).
11. I'm hungry when I'm bored, like now.
1. Who's your #1 celebrity crush? Rob Pattinson
2. If you already have a kid(s)- do you want more? If you don't- do you want to have kids? I want bebes badly.
3. Do you feel your age? No I don't think I will ever feel older than 18.
4. What's the meanest thing you ever did as a kid? I threw a pine tree branch at a boy I liked in 3rd grade. It scratched his eye and he had to wear an eye patch. I lied about it and didn't get in trouble. :/

2. If you already have a kid(s)- do you want more? If you don't- do you want to have kids? I want bebes badly.
3. Do you feel your age? No I don't think I will ever feel older than 18.
4. What's the meanest thing you ever did as a kid? I threw a pine tree branch at a boy I liked in 3rd grade. It scratched his eye and he had to wear an eye patch. I lied about it and didn't get in trouble. :/
5. What's your favorite band/musician? GC , the Madden Twins (drool)
6. What are your 3 favorite blogs/websites you always visit? Cup of Jo, Pamplemousse1983, and Adventures in Love and Happiness
7. What’s your perfect date night? I love going to the movies!
8. Please share your favorite cell phone photo you’ve taken in the past 2 months.

9. Coke or Pepsi? Coke!!!
10. What is the thing you are most proud of in your life or at this moment? The life decisions I've been making.
11. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate, soft serve, with sprinkles, & in a waffle cone.
My 11 Questions:
1. Where were you born?
2. How many siblings do you have?
3. Are your parents still together?
4. How long were they together?
5. What would the ideal boy and girl name be for your children?
6. What is yor favorite color?
7. What is your favorite pair of shoes?
8. What is your dream job?
9. Where would you love to live?
10. If you could meet anyone, who?
11. If you could change anything what would you change?
Photos by: Me.
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