Happy December! It's photo challenge time for me! Most of you out there have Instagram if you don't I highly recommend the app as an artist it provides the quick fix I crave for art. Every so often I try to participate in those popular photo challenges, sometimes I even design my own challenges and post them up
( January2013 ). Last month I failed miserably at one, I had every intention of completing November but I was super busy and I just didn't feel like it. Here's my try for December, I was really successful with a challenge last December, there are lots of nice photo opportunities during the holiday season. Here are the results of week one, I'm trying to keep them all as holiday themed as possible.
Day 1. Selfie (BTW I got an iPhone 5C!!!!!)
Day 2. Throwback ( I was in third grade here. My dad told us to pick our favorite
toy to pose with for this pic it's crazy how I remember that.)
Day 3. Best friend (I have more than one)
Day 4. Favorite Qoute (I chose one from one of my favorite christmas movies, Elf)
Day 5. Weather (Crazy warm for this time of year)
Day 6. School (My College Ornament, the most expensive ornament on the tree LOL)
Photos by Me via Instagram: koolaidkd09 Except the Elf picture I don't have a source for that I just found it through a Google search.