Guess what I got in the mail earlier this month! My gift exchange package! I recently participated in the "Color Me Happy" package exchange sponsored by Cole of the lovely blog Adventures in Love and Happiness. The exchange was based on favorite colors. Everyone participating gets paired with a partner, then you exchange favorite colors and three gift items based on those colors. I sent the gracious Ms. Elizabeth Shelby some items in teal, her favorite color. Elizabeth sent me some lovely things in my favorite color green.
I got some lovely eye shadow and nail polish, a gorgeous necklace, (I've worn several times already) a picture frame, and an adorable lil card.
I really loved the card. I work with stationary for a living so I guess that was only natural of me. I also really enjoyed her sweet little note wishing me a "Green Summer".
There is this awesome website called Hearts Happen, where photographer Kristin Hooks findsrandom hearts in nature and photographs them. I love it. I'm going to be looking for hearts now.